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Guinean Government to Investigate Killing of Treasury Official

Guinea is promising to investigate and bring to justice the killer, or killers, of Aissatou Boiro, the head of the country’s treasury.

She was gunned down late Friday by an attackers believed to be wearing a Guinean army uniform, as she was returning from a meeting.

In a statement late Sunday, President Alpha Conde said his government’s fight against corruption will carry on despite Boiro’s assassination.

Mamadou Dian Balde, editor-in-chief of the Independent and Democrat newspapers, said the government has promised a thorough investigation.

“The day before yesterday, she was going home from the office around 9 p.m. [local time] and she had been killed by a man wearing [an army] uniform, and the government promised to make an investigation to what really happened,” he said.

Balde said Boiro might have been targeted for recently foiling a plot to embezzle about $2 million from the central bank of Guinea.

“Some people think that Aissatou Boiro was fighting against corruption in the Guinean government," he said. "Three months ago, she had discovered people who tried to steal more than $2 million from the Ministry of the Economy. Those people had been sacked by the president, Alpha Conde.”
Butty interview with Balde
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He said Conde Sunday visited the late Boiro’s family following his return from Abuja, Nigeria, where he attended the Economic Community of West African (ECOWAS) summit on the situation in Mali.

Balde said the Guinean government is not doing enough to fight corruption, despite Conde’s promise.

“The president promised to fight against corruption, but he isn’t doing enough for that struggle because the same clerks, the same ministers who were working for the government [of] President Lansana Conte, some of them are in the new government, and people think that it is the same system [as] under the late President Conte,” Balde said.