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Nigerian Militants Release Nationalities of Oil Rig Hostages

A Nigerian militant group has released the nationalities of seven hostages abducted Sunday from an offshore oil rig in Akwa Ibom state.

The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta said Friday its hostages are two Americans, two French nationals, one Canadian and two Indonesians. MEND says they are in good health.

The seven were abducted during an attack on a rig operated by Afren. At least two of the rig's crew members were wounded in the attack and left on the rig.

U.S. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said earlier this week that the United States is working with Nigerian officials to secure freedom for the hostages.

The Niger Delta is home to criminal gangs that steal oil and take hostages for ransom. The region also has militants who say they are fighting for a fairer distribution of oil wealth.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.