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China's Peace Plan for Syria

Demonstrators protest against Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad in Marat al-Numan near the northern province of Idlib. The bannr reads, "The children Marar Al-Numan, sacrifice our lives for you Bab Amro", March 2, 2012.
Demonstrators protest against Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad in Marat al-Numan near the northern province of Idlib. The bannr reads, "The children Marar Al-Numan, sacrifice our lives for you Bab Amro", March 2, 2012.

Six-Point Plan as reported by the official Xinhua News Agency

1. The Syrian Government and all parties concerned should immediately, fully and unconditionally cease all acts of violence, particularly violence against innocent civilians. Various factions in Syria should express political aspirations through non-violent means.

2. The Syrian Government and various factions should bear in mind the long-term and fundamental interests of their country and people, immediately launch an inclusive political dialogue with no preconditions attached or outcome predetermined through impartial mediation of the Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations (U.N.) and the Arab League (AL) agree on a comprehensive and detailed road-map and timetable for reform through consultation and implement them as soon as possible with a view to restoring national stability and public order.

3. China supports the U.N.' s leading role in coordinating humanitarian relief efforts. China maintains that under the precondition of respecting Syria's sovereignty, the U.N. or an impartial body acceptable to all parties should make an objective and comprehensive assessment of the humanitarian situation in Syria, ensure the delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid. China is ready to provide humanitarian assistance to the Syrian people. We oppose anyone interfering in Syria' s internal affairs under the pretext of "humanitarian" issues.

4. Relevant parties of the international community should earnestly respect the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Syria and the right of the Syrian people to independently choose their political system and development path, create conditions and provide necessary and constructive assistance for the various political factions of Syria to launch dialogue, and respect the outcome of dialogue. China does not approve of armed interference or pushing for "regime change" in Syria, and believes that use or threat of sanctions does not help to resolve this issue appropriately.

5. China welcomes the appointment of the Joint Special Envoy on the Syrian crisis by the U.N .and the AL and supports him in playing a constructive role in bringing about the political resolution of the crisis. China supports the active efforts made by the Arab states and the AL to promote a political solution to the crisis.

6. Members of the Security Council should strictly abide by the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter and the basic norms governing international relations. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China is ready to earnestly fulfill its responsibilities, engage in equal-footed, patient and full consultation with other parties on the political solution to the Syrian crisis in an effort to safeguard the unity of the Security Council.