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Militants Kill 9 in Kabul Police Station Attack

An Afghan policeman helps a wounded man away from the site of an attack at a Kabul police station, June 18, 2011
An Afghan policeman helps a wounded man away from the site of an attack at a Kabul police station, June 18, 2011

Afghanistan officials say three militants armed with suicide vests and guns stormed a police station near the presidential palace in Kabul, killing four security force members and five civilians.

Authorities say the attack triggered a shootout between the militants and the police Saturday in the Afghan capital. At least one of the attackers wore an Afghan army uniform.

An Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman said none of the attackers survived and four police officers were wounded.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. It was the latest in a string of brazen assaults in what has been considered a relatively secure area. It also comes weeks before coalition forces begin pulling out of the country.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.