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Swap Shop

((Banner: Swap Shop))
((Reporter/Camera: Deepak Dobhal))
((Map: Ogallala, Nebraska))

((Pop-Up Banner:
Before eBay & Craiglist, there was TRadio))
((Morgan Mcginley, Regular Listener))
Everybody I know, like, its 9 o clock, we turn Swap Shop on
because they might have something you just might need.
((NATS: Swap Shop Audio))
Welcome to another edition of the hit radio program Swap
Shop. If you have items to sell, rent, trade or give away, or if
you're looking for something, call 308 284..
((Morgan Mcginley, Regular Listener))
But you got a call early because lot of these things go quick.
((NATS: Swap Shop Audio))
Remember, Swap Shop is not for business or for commercial
purposes. And now, your host, Corey Andersen.
Hi, Good morning everyone.
((Corey Andersen, Radio Host, Swap Shop))
I've been doing Swap Shop here for about 28 years, since
the spring of 1991. It's a mostly a practical way of selling
things that you're trying to get rid of and make some money,
and it's a easy way to do it. There is no, you don't have to
spend any money. All you have to do is make that phone
call, and say what it is you're selling, and give your number,
and then you just wait for people to call you.
((NATS: Swap Shop Audio))
Good morning. You're in Swap Shop.
((Morgan Mcginley, Regular Listener))
Good morning, Corey. I am still looking for a couple
dressers for the Bush family. If they can give me a call that
would be great. Have a good day.
((NATS: Swap Shop Audio))
And, thanks. 520.520. I have a 2003 Ford minivan for
sale. A very nice little van.
((Morgan Mcginley, Regular Listener))
And there's a phone ringing. We'll see.
I am.
((Morgan Mcginley, Regular Listener))
I have been doing a fund raiser for a family that lost their
home here, and they need everything, and so there's specific
things that they're needing and we're not finding. I just
called-in and asked for some dressers, and someone called
me from Lake McConaughy, and they had a rental and have
lots of furniture to give away. So, I'm going to go look at it
this afternoon, and it was, yeah, what two minutes that I got
a phone call.
((Morgan Mcginley, Regular Listener))
OK. All right thanks, Billy. We'll see you later. Bye.
((Morgan Mcginley, Regular Listener))
Dresser is found. Sometimes, sometimes your phone just
starts blowing up.
((NATS: Swap Shop Audio))
((Corey Andersen, Radio Host, Swap Shop))
And, we're back on Swap Shop. You are next. Good
((Mo Schumm, General Manager, iHeartMedia, Denver
It is the most popular program we have on the air.
I can't explain the popularity of this program. I don't
understand it. If I did, I'd bottle it up and we'd have 20 more
just like it. But, it's a combination of people needing things,
wanting to get rid of things. And, I think, visiting with Corey
and Mike, we have a weekend. They're comfortable with
these guys.
((Corey Andersen, Radio Host, Swap Shop))
There is that sense that we live in the same community. I
can trust these people because they live in the same area I
do and we all believe, pretty much, that people in our area
are, you know, honest and trustworthy and that they'll follow
through on what they say they will.
((Morgan Mcginley, Regular Listener))
A lot of the older generations, farmers around here,
ag(riculture) people, they don't have very good internet
service still. The radio is the one thing that, like, everybody
still gets and you can check it, like, its that one day, that one
time. It's on at the same time every day and, you know, you
can hear it.
((NATS: Swap Shop Audio))
We'll take a short break and come right back with more of
your stuff.
((Corey Andersen, Radio Host, Swap Shop))
I think we get a wide range of people age-wise that call-in,
but I think, the preponderance is probably of middle-age on
up audience. I don't think it's, I don't think you get a lot of
20-somethings and 30-somethings calling.
((NATS: Swap Shop Audio))
Two of the, two German shepherd puppies for sale.
((Morgan Mcginley, Regular Listener))
Funny people call-in and they just got weird things like, you
know, like, I don't know if they just need the money or,
maybe, they just need to talk to somebody. I don't know,
which is cool and Corey is nice to them. So, but yeah,
there's a gal. She calls in with a rental and two cars every
day, and the cars change..
((NATS: Swap Shop Audio))
For sale, a wheelchair and some miscellaneous
((Mo Schumm, General Manager, iHeartMedia, Denver
We've had some crazy calls before. We've had people that,
I can't even say on air. This one guy wanted to call-in and
thank his wife for the best night of his life, but he got pretty
graphic, and that's when we put the delay in. So, we do now
have a delay.
((NATS: Swap Shop Audio))
And, thank you. 289 691..
((Corey Andersen, Radio Host, Swap Shop))
It's been a part of this area and certainly a part of these radio
stations for so many years, it's kind of like, you know, you
get up and you breathe. You don't think about it. You just
expect it to be there.
((NATS: Swap Shop Audio))
Would love to have you back tomorrow morning to do it all
over on the Thursday edition. You have a wonderful,
wonderful, really wonderful Wednesday.
((NATS: Swap Shop Audio))