((Banner: Kids Yoga))
((Reporter: Karina Choudhury; Sahar Mohammadi))
((Camera: Karina Choudhury))
((Adapted by: Zdenko Novacki))
((Map: Kensington, Maryland))
((Main characters: 1 female))
((Sub characters: 2 males; 2 females))
((Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor))
There are a lot of benefits to yoga and it's especially
beneficial to have kids start doing yoga at an early age. The
reason why is because kids experience a lot of emotions and
feelings that a lot of times they don't know how to process or
don't know how to talk about. As people say, it's not what
happens to you, it's how you respond to what happens to
you. So, with the tools that you learn through meditation and
mindfulness, kids can use those every day in order to better
deal with their feelings.
((Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor))
My name is Yalda Soheil and I'm the founder of Starlight
Yoga. I teach kids and family yoga classes.
((Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor))
I started Starlight Yoga because I wanted to give kids the
tools they need to help them regulate themselves, help them
build self-confidence, help them deal with their feelings and
learn how to take deep breaths.
Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor:
How does it taste?
Is it good?
Is it good enough for one more bite?
Let’s see.
((Karla Barbosa, Mother))
It was a very good way to start my morning. Always my back feels
great after yoga.
((Zach Christensen, Father))
It gives me a chance to pause and interrupt and really trying to
understand their perspectives and their needs, their physical
needs, which I think are really easy to overlook sometimes as
adults. But I think this way, we're able to all be more mindful
((Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor))
Family yoga, I believe, is the greatest thing ever. In today's
society, everything is moving so fast and a lot of times, families are
struggling to find ways to truly connect with each other.
Praneetha Akula, Mother: Did you feel happy being an
elephant? Yeah.
Sunil Arthur, Son: And a giraffe.
Praneetha Akula, Mother: Yes, you are many animals.
((Praneetha Akula, Mother))
That was what was so wonderful about the class today. We really
enjoyed being here. My son is almost three years old. So, he
enjoys the stories that Yalda developed within the class.
Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor: I see a great big lion. So, I want
everyone on their knees like this. Let's see if we can scare the
lion away with a great big roar.
((Praneetha Akula, Mother))
That really engaged his interest and it was great for me because
this is the time for myself and my son to bond.
Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor: And the frog. What kind of sound
do frogs make? Ribbit! Ribbit! Good work!
((Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor))
Children are extremely compassionate by nature. And the more
that we teach them that, you know, it's good to help others. It's
good to be kind to others. It's good to, you know, take a break and
pause and think about what you're doing. I believe that they'll just
grow up and be stronger, healthier individuals mentally,
emotionally, physically.
((Banner: Kids Yoga))
((Reporter: Karina Choudhury; Sahar Mohammadi))
((Camera: Karina Choudhury))
((Adapted by: Zdenko Novacki))
((Map: Kensington, Maryland))
((Main characters: 1 female))
((Sub characters: 2 males; 2 females))
((Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor))
There are a lot of benefits to yoga and it's especially
beneficial to have kids start doing yoga at an early age. The
reason why is because kids experience a lot of emotions and
feelings that a lot of times they don't know how to process or
don't know how to talk about. As people say, it's not what
happens to you, it's how you respond to what happens to
you. So, with the tools that you learn through meditation and
mindfulness, kids can use those every day in order to better
deal with their feelings.
((Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor))
My name is Yalda Soheil and I'm the founder of Starlight
Yoga. I teach kids and family yoga classes.
((Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor))
I started Starlight Yoga because I wanted to give kids the
tools they need to help them regulate themselves, help them
build self-confidence, help them deal with their feelings and
learn how to take deep breaths.
Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor:
How does it taste?
Is it good?
Is it good enough for one more bite?
Let’s see.
((Karla Barbosa, Mother))
It was a very good way to start my morning. Always my back feels
great after yoga.
((Zach Christensen, Father))
It gives me a chance to pause and interrupt and really trying to
understand their perspectives and their needs, their physical
needs, which I think are really easy to overlook sometimes as
adults. But I think this way, we're able to all be more mindful
((Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor))
Family yoga, I believe, is the greatest thing ever. In today's
society, everything is moving so fast and a lot of times, families are
struggling to find ways to truly connect with each other.
Praneetha Akula, Mother: Did you feel happy being an
elephant? Yeah.
Sunil Arthur, Son: And a giraffe.
Praneetha Akula, Mother: Yes, you are many animals.
((Praneetha Akula, Mother))
That was what was so wonderful about the class today. We really
enjoyed being here. My son is almost three years old. So, he
enjoys the stories that Yalda developed within the class.
Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor: I see a great big lion. So, I want
everyone on their knees like this. Let's see if we can scare the
lion away with a great big roar.
((Praneetha Akula, Mother))
That really engaged his interest and it was great for me because
this is the time for myself and my son to bond.
Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor: And the frog. What kind of sound
do frogs make? Ribbit! Ribbit! Good work!
((Yalda Soheil, Yoga Instructor))
Children are extremely compassionate by nature. And the more
that we teach them that, you know, it's good to help others. It's
good to be kind to others. It's good to, you know, take a break and
pause and think about what you're doing. I believe that they'll just
grow up and be stronger, healthier individuals mentally,
emotionally, physically.