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Connecting Kids with Computers  

((TRT: 06:02))
((Banner: Helping out with Computers))
((Reporter/Camera: June Soh))
((Map: Bowling Green, Virginia))
((Main characters: 2 males))
((Sub character: 1 female))
((Khoi Nguyen, Co-Founder, Free and Accessible
Technology Initiative))
This desktop has an, only an internal GPU which is
located inside within the motherboard. And we want
to improve the video capabilities by adding an extra or
an additional GPU.
((Ghedion Beyen, Co-Founder, Free and
Accessible Technology Initiative))
Yeah, so here we are just checking if these two PCs
use the same one, but no, it’s flipped. So, we are
going to need to order one specifically for this one.
((Khoi Nguyen, Co-Founder, Free and Accessible
Technology Initiative))
((Khoi Nguyen, Co-Founder, Free and Accessible
Technology Initiative))
My name is Khoi Nguyen. And I'm a senior at
Osbourn Park High School and also attending
((Courtesy: Free and Accessible Technology
the Governor's School at Innovation Park in
conjunction with George Mason University. And I'm
also the chief operating officer of FATI, which is the
Free and Accessible Technology Initiative, started by
myself and my partner, Ghedion Beyen, where we try
to meet family's needs especially during times of crisis
in terms of access to education. So, especially during
the COVID-19 outbreak, schools around the nation
have closed or refused in-person learning. They
resort to virtual learning.
((Ghedion Beyen, Co-Founder, Free and
Accessible Technology Initiative))
And it came to our attention that many of our peers
didn’t have a stable internet connection or they need
to share one computer among multiple siblings. And
we knew that we needed to do something to help.
((Ghedion Beyen, Co-Founder, Free and
Accessible Technology Initiative))
So, what we do is we take donated goods, either
monetary or physical donations, and we refurbish the
computers and redistribute it to underprivileged
communities throughout the Northern Virginia area.
((Khoi Nguyen, Co-Founder, Free and Accessible
Technology Initiative))
In this room, we have all of our donated laptops from
all of our patrons. We shelved them all around the
room and on our bottom shelves we store our power
((Ghedion Beyen, Co-Founder, Free and
Accessible Technology Initiative))
The majority of our donations come from the Northern
Virginia area, mostly from individuals that are in this
area. But sometimes, we get donations from
neighboring states like Tennessee and North
((Ghedion Beyen, Co-Founder, Free and
Accessible Technology Initiative))
From a young age, I was always fascinated with
technology and computers. I actually built my own
computer. That’s the computer sitting on my desk.
((Khoi Nguyen, Co-Founder, Free and Accessible
Technology Initiative))
I find so much fun especially tinkering with
technology. So, when we realized that we could use,
not only follow through an interest, but give back to
the community, we created the organization.
((Ghedion Beyen, Co-Founder, Free and
Accessible Technology Initiative))
We usually come on the weekends. We usually do
about five hours at the warehouse. We are a two-
men operation right now. So, it does take a lot of
effort to be able to refurbish and redistribute
computers all by ourselves. And in the past, I think,
we’ve had 56 confirmed deliveries.
((Ghedion Beyen, Co-Founder, Free and
Accessible Technology Initiative))
We always try to balance work and play. So, every
once in a while, we used to come out here and play
soccer, you know, to take a bit of a break from
refurbishing computers.
((Ghedion Beyen, Co-Founder, Free and
Accessible Technology Initiative))
People contact us mostly through phone. So, usually
what I do is I send them a text to tell me a little bit
more about their situation, so we can fit their needs
accordingly. This is a current request from
Fredericksburg, Virginia. This is actually the delivery
that we're going to do later on today.
((Ghedion Beyen, Co-Founder, Free and
Accessible Technology Initiative))
So, once it’s prepped for packaging, we usually clean
the outside surface of the laptop, pair it with a laptop
sleeve. Because of COVID, we include personal
protective gear. So, we usually add face masks, vinyl
gloves in the packaging. We can’t forget the charger
of the laptop, close it. And this is the completed care
((NATS: Ghedion Beyen, Khoi Nguyen and
Stephanie Beard))
((Ghedion Beyen))
Yeah, so basically this is the care package that we
provide to you.
((Stephanie Beard))
((Ghedion Beyen))
And in here, you will find the laptop and the charger
((Stephanie Beard))
((Ghedion Beyen))
And due to increasing COVID rates, in here, we have
the masks and vinyl gloves for you.
((Stephanie Beard))
((Ghedion Beyen))
Just so you are extra safe. Here you go.
((Stephanie Beard))
((Khoi Nguyen))
And here is a wireless mouse that helps, comes along
with the laptop.
((Stephanie Beard))
Okay, thank you so much. The kids will do really well
with their online schooling with this. Thank you.
((Khoi Nguyen))
I wish you the best. Stay safe.
((Stephanie Beard))
Thanks. You stay safe, too. Bye-bye.
((Khoi Nguyen))
((Stephanie Beard, Mother of FATI Recipient))
Now, I am a single mom with the kids. My son, he did
graduate last year, but now I have the two girls. And I
work but I don’t make enough money, just barely over
minimum wage. So, it’s not enough to pay for a
laptop or anything for them. The girls wouldn’t have
the laptops to be able to do their schoolwork. So, I
am very grateful.
((Ghedion Beyen, Co-Founder, Free and
Accessible Technology Initiative))
When we deliver it, it just gives us a great sense of
fulfilment because we are able to help somebody in
such a trying time, especially someone who has low
income and has multiple children.
((Khoi Nguyen, Co-Founder, Free and Accessible
Technology Initiative))
Right, and I honestly feel the exact same way. I feel
proud that we can give back to our community, help
each other out during these difficult times.