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Venezuela Deploys Troops as Vote Count Continues

Venezuela has deployed troops in two opposition-led states, where final results from Sunday's general election have yet to be released.

Interior Minister Jesse Chacon says the National Guard troops were sent Tuesday to help prevent violence.

In Yaracuy, troops surrounded the office of opposition Governor Eduardo Lapi, who vowed not to leave his post until final vote results are issued. He questioned if the troop deployment was a coup attempt against him.

Security was also boosted in Carabobo state, where another opposition official, Governor Henrique Salas, is seeking re-election.

Monday, election officials issued results for many regions, showing Mr. Chavez's party had won 18 of the country's 22 state governor posts that were being disputed.

Officials say they plan to release final results in the next two day.

Some of this information provided by Reuters.