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IAEA Moves to Verify Iran's Nuclear Suspension


Iran says it has halted all work on potentially weapons-related parts of its nuclear program, honoring a deal with European powers. IAEA spokesman, Mark Gwozdecky, says inspectors are supervising the suspension and receiving good co-operation from Iran.

"It appears that the suspension is in effect, but we are going to need a couple of days more before we can truly verify that all the facilities, and there are at least a dozen, have been suspended," said Mr. Gwozdecky.

Mr. Gwozdecky says inspectors have to install seals and make a full inventory of materials and components so that they can check if anything has changed next time they visit.

He added the IAEA is hoping to complete the work before the board of governors meets Thursday to assess whether Iran's nuclear file should be referred to the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions.

Iran says its program is purely peaceful, but the size of some facilities and the fact that nuclear activities were hidden from the world for almost 20 years have raised suspicions that Tehran is developing nuclear weapons.

The IAEA confirmed that before the suspension that Iran had produced about two tons of UF-six gas that can be used to purify uranium for use as fuel in nuclear plants or in nuclear weapons.

But Mr. Gwozdecky says the UF-six produced by Iran is not bomb material and in any case not enough to be of use for nuclear weapons.