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Security in Ayodhya Tight Before Mosque-Demolition Anniversary

India has boosted security in the northern town of Ayodhya, one day before the 12th anniversary of a mosque demolition that sparked bloody riots between Hindus and Muslims.

Hundreds of soldiers are standing guard at the disputed site where Hindu extremists destroyed the 16th century Babri mosque, saying it was built by destroying a temple at the birthplace of their god-king Rama. They say want to rebuild the temple.

The demolition triggered nationwide riots that left about 2,000 people dead, the bloodiest in India since the 1947 partition with Pakistan.

Two Hindu extremist groups, the World Hindu Council and Shiv Sena, have called for a rally near the temple town on Monday to mark the anniversary.

The dispute is now before the Indian courts.

Some information for this story provided by AFP and Reuters.