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New Clashes Reported Among Congolese Troops

United Nations officials say new fighting has been reported between Congolese troops and dissident soldiers in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

The U.N. mission says Sunday's violence occurred near the town of Kanyabayonga, which is held by dissident army units made of former rebels.

Tens of thousands of people have fled the area since clashes started more than a week ago.

Dissident soldiers are opposed to a government decision sending thousands of reinforcements to restore order in eastern Congo.

Kinshasa ordered the deployment after neighboring Rwanda warned it may send troops to attack Rwandan Hutu fighters in eastern Congo. Rwanda blames the militants for the country's 1994 genocide.

Saturday, U.N. officials said foreign troops have recently crossed into eastern Congo, but did not confirm if they were Rwandan soldiers.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and Reuters.