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UN: Up to 50,000 Somalis Need Aid Following Tsunami

The United Nations food agency estimates that between 30,000 and 50,000 Somalis are in need of immediate relief assistance following the Indian Ocean tsunami.

A World Food Program statement Wednesday said efforts to rush aid to one of the worst-hit Somali towns, Hafun, are being held up because waves have washed away the access road. The agency said the town is in a state of total desolation, with most homes destroyed.

The United Nations says at least 114 Somalis died in the massive waves that were generated by an underwater earthquake thousands of kilometers away near Indonesia.

In Tanzania, officials have said at least 10 swimmers died when they were dragged out to sea by powerful water currents.

The tsunami is also blamed for killing two people in Seychelles and one tourist in Kenya.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and Reuters.