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Sudan's Opposition Says Peace Treaty Does Not Go Far Enough


A spokesman for Sudan’s opposition political parties says the peace deal signed by the Sudan People’s Liberation Army and the government does not include enough of the country’s political spectrum.

Farouk Abu Eissa is the assistant chairman of the National Democratic Alliance -- the umbrella opposition organization grouping the predominantly southern SPLA and other mainly northern Sudanese opposition parties. Mr. Abua Eissa explained to English to Africa reporter William Eagle that under the new power sharing accords, 52 percent of the federal government posts, the executive and legislature, will be held by the Sudanese government representing northern Sudan. The Sudanese northern opposition parties will receive 14 percent. The SPLA, which represents the south, will receive 28 percent and other southern opposition groups have six percent. The peoples of the Nuba Mountains and southern Blue Nile have two per cent. Mr. Abu Eissa says in effect, that the recent peace accords have rewarded the fighters, but has marginalized non-violent civil society, including trade unions and political parties.

Nevertheless, he says his group, the NDA, will push to repeal laws that do not conform to international laws regarding human rights. It also wants to repeal laws that restrict the working of political parties, prohibit an independent judiciary, and allow for arrest and detention outside the court system.

This weekend, Mr. Abu Eissa says the NDA will have a two-day meeting with the government to discuss ways of increasing its role in the interim government, and of ensuring the demobilization and integration of the military.