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US Military: 23 Detainees Attempted to Hang or Strangle Themselves at Guantanamo

The U.S. military says 23 of the terror suspects being held at the U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, tried to hang or strangle themselves in a coordinated, mass disruption in 2003.

A military spokesman, Lieutenant Commander Chris Lounderma, told VOA two of the protesters attempted suicide, during the disruption from August 18 to August 26 of 2003.

The spokesman said those two protesters required hospital treatment before they were eventually transferred to a psychiatric ward.

Officials say the demonstration was an attempt to disrupt operations at Guantanamo and unnerve new security guards.

The U.S. military released details on the disruption in response to questions from U.S. media.

There are some 550 prisoners held at the camp.

Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.