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CIA:  Al-Qaida "Vulnerable" But Still Dangerous


The director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, Porter Goss, says the al-Qaida terrorist network is vulnerable, but still dangerous.

Testifying before a Senate panel Wednesday, Mr. Goss said while the United States and its allies have made gains against terrorism, it may only be a matter of time before al-Qaida or other groups try to use weapons of mass destruction.

Mr. Goss said even if Osama bin Laden were captured, al-Qaida and other terrorist factions around the globe would remain resolute.

The CIA director also named Iran and a nuclear-armed North Korea as threats to U.S. security.

Mr. Goss said Pyongyang could resume testing of missiles capable of reaching the United States, and blamed Tehran for supporting what he called "anti-coalition activities" in Iraq.

Some information for this story provided by AP and Reuters.