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Egyptian Opposition Demonstrates for Release of Politician

Dozens of Egyptians protested in front of the country's high court Tuesday calling for the release of an opposition leader who was jailed four weeks ago on what his supporters say are false charges.

Riot police stood nearby, as supporters of al-Ghad party leader Ayman Nour peacefully protested, chanting slogans and waving photos of the imprisoned legislator.

Mr. Nour has been held on charges of forging signatures to secure a license to establish his al-Ghad party last year. He denies the accusations.

His supporters say his arrest was politically motivated, because he has been a vocal advocate of constitutional reform.

The United States voiced its concern over Mr. Nour's detention during a meeting in Washington two weeks ago between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.