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Soweto Radio Station Exposes Marriage 'Cheaters' - All In The Name Of Fighting AIDS

In Soweto, South Africa, a community radio station is causing quite a stir by exposing people who cheat on their spouses. Every Thursday night, JOZI-FM announces the results of its latest investigations - all in the name of fighting HIV/AIDS.

The program has become very popular, but it has often brought angry reaction, resulting in police standing guard at the radio station. Prince Tshabalala is the acting program manager and a presenter on JOZI-FM. From Soweto, he spoke to English to Africa reporter Joe De Capua about how the show, Cheaters, got started.

Prince admits the radio station got the idea from a popular television program and thought it would work well on radio. Thursday nights, from 10 O’clock to midnight, spouses who’ve cheated are outed. He says HIV/AIDS is spread by unsafe sex and spouses who suspect their husbands or wives are being unfaithful have a right to invade their privacy. He says if couples remain faithful they can avoid AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

The investigations of the alleged cheaters take at least three weeks, sometimes involving actors who try to tempt the person into being unfaithful. Prince believes the program is having a good effect by making people more aware of their behavior, while some consider it an invasion of privacy and a publicity stunt.

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