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Somalis Protest Peacekeepers from Neighbor Countries


Hundreds of Somalis have marched in the capital, Mogadishu, to criticize the possible deployment of peacekeepers from Ethiopia and Djibouti.

The city's self-declared governor Abdullahi Ganey Firimbi helped organize Sunday's demonstration, the latest in a series of protest marches.

Some members of Somalia's new government have rejected plans for an African peacekeeping force that includes troops from nations bordering Somalia.

Some clan leaders say no foreign troops at all should be allowed in the country.

Somalia's President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has said international troops are needed to protect the new government when it moves home from its current base in Kenya this year.

Thursday, the U.S. State Department said a regional force should not include Somalia's immediate neighbors, due to perceptions of bias.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and AP.