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Lebanon's PM-Designate to Step Down

Lebanon's prime minister-designate says he will offer his resignation to the Lebanese president, after failing to form a government of national unity.

Omar Karami told reporters Tuesday in Beirut he will inform President Emile Lahoud of his decision when they meet on Wednesday.

The pro-Syrian Mr. Karami first resigned on February 28, in the face of growing anti-Syrian protests sparked by the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. President Lahoud re-appointed him on March 10, but he has not been able to bring the opposition into a new government.

Meanwhile, security officials say the pro-Syrian head of military intelligence in Lebanon, General Raymond Azar, will take a month-long leave of absence. Opposition leaders have called for his resignation, along with those of several other security officials.

Some information for this report provided by AFP, Reuters and AP.