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Ansar al-Sunnah Claims Northern Iraq Blast

An Iraqi woman screams in tears in front of the security guard as victims of suicide bomb are transported to the emergency hospital in Irbil, Iraq
A suicide bomber has killed at least 50 people and wounded 100 others in an attack on police recruits in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil.

Pools of blood and body parts stained the street in the normally quiet Kurdish city, as ambulances evacuated the dead and wounded to hospitals. The militant group Ansar al-Sunnah claimed responsibility on its website for Wednesday's blast, saying it was in retaliation for Kurdish cooperation with U.S. and coalition forces.

Another car bomb attack killed nine Iraqi troops in Baghdad Wednesday. More than 200 people have died in insurgent attacks over the last week. Rebels increased attacks after Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari announced a partial cabinet list last week.

On Tuesday, the new interim government was sworn in.

Some information for this story provided by AFP and Reuters.