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Saddam's Former Deputy Quizzed on Oil-for-Food


Saddam Hussein's former deputy prime minister says that U.S. interrogators have questioned him about whether French President Jacques Chirac or other leaders benefited from the former United Nations oil-for-food program in Iraq.

The British Observer newspaper published the letters Sunday in which it says Tariq Aziz also complains of his treatment in U.S. custody.

Mr. Aziz wrote that when he was asked if he had recommended giving "kickbacks" to Mr. Chirac or other international leaders, he said "my answer is no."

Mr. Aziz also complained that he was being held unjustly - claiming that "we have no meetings or telephone contacts with our families."

He faces charges that include crimes against Iraq's Kurdish and Shi'ite communities.

The Observer says the letters in English and Arabic were written on pages from the diary of his lawyer, who was with him while he was being questioned.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and Reuters.