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Internet Statement Says Zarqawi Leading Baghdad Counter-Offensive


Abu Musab Zarqawi (undated State Dept. photo)
The militant group al-Qaida in Iraq says its leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is leading the response to a security sweep in Baghdad. The statement is one of several conflicting messages recently posted on the group's website.

The militants reported on Tuesday that the Jordanian-born terrorist had been wounded. Iraq's interior minister Bayan Jabor confirmed that al-Zarqawi was injured in recent fighting.

But on Friday, the Zarqawi group published another statement claiming that he was in good health and heading insurgent operations in Iraq.

All the same, the top U.S. general said Sunday he believes al-Zarqawi is wounded.

The militant group's latest claim, that al-Zarqawi is leading a counter offensive against the Baghdad operation, came on a day, Sunday, that militants killed at least 21 people.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and Reuters.