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London Bombing Overshadows G-8

British Prime Minister Tony Blair, center, speaks during a group photo of G8 and other leaders at the Gleneagles Hotel in Auchterarder, Scotland
The G-8 summit of industrial nations is continuing in Gleneagles, Scotland despite the terrorist bombings in London. Summit members have indicated that ending the summit early would play into the hands of those who killed dozens of innocent civilians in the British capital.

The G-8 members met in peace. But their summit was overshadowed by bloodshed.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who had worked tirelessly to make the meeting a success, left Gleneagles to return to London to see the damage and comfort the victims.

In his absence, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw sat in the chairman's seat, overseeing the summit discussions as they moved from economic matters and global warming to regional issues, including Iraq and Iran.

As the Thursday session neared its close, U.S. officials said work is nearly complete on the main summit documents. All will be released Friday, including statements on climate change, aid to Africa and terrorism.

But the bombing in London is clearly having on impact on this summit, changing its tone to one of sorrow, anger and determination. In a national address to the British people, Prime Minister Blair vowed to find the terrorists behind the violence.

"There will, of course, now be the most intense police and security service action to make sure that we bring those responsible to justice," said Mr. Blair.

Mr. Blair said the bombings were committed by those acting in the name of Islam, though he quickly added that most Muslims deplore violence.

He said the terrorists are trying to frighten innocent people, and force them to change their way of life. He said once again that they will not succeed.

"It is through terrorism that the people that have committed this terrible act express their values," he added. "And it is right at this moment that we demonstrate ours."

The prime minister paid tribute to what he called "the stoicism and resilience of the British people." He said through their quiet and true strength they will show that their values will prevail.