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Bush Hails Iraqi Charter, Asks Americans' Patience


President Bush says Iraqis are grappling with difficult issues, but the prolonged political debate in Baghdad is a hopeful sign that Iraqis can settle future problems through discussion rather than violence.

Mr. Bush said he believes Iraqi lawmakers will produce a democratic constitution that respects the traditions of their country and guarantees the rights of all citizens.

In his weekly radio address to the nation Saturday, Mr. Bush asked Americans to be patient with the U.S. military mission in Iraq, despite its human cost. He said U.S. and Iraqi forces' joint efforts to suppress insurgents' attacks in Iraq will require "more time, more sacrifice and continued resolve."

Public-opinion surveys show deep divisions among Americans over the war in Iraq. Outside Mr. Bush's ranch in Crawford Texas, thousands of demonstrators, antiwar protesters as well as those who support the president, have been staging competing rallies.