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Medical Personnel in New Orleans Desperately Try to Aid Patients

Medical personnel in the stricken city of New Orleans are desperately trying to continue to aid patients amid depleting supplies and deteriorating conditions.

Hospitals are severely crippled in the flooding that has submerged most of the city. Some patients, including babies, have been airlifted to other facilities.

The Associated Press says doctors from two hospitals have issued a plea for their facilities to be evacuated, saying conditions are dire and they are nearly out of food and emergency power.

In the streets of New Orleans, corpses are lying in the open and anxious refugees are pleading for water and food.

Field hospitals are overwhelmed with the sick. U.S. officials say shots have been fired at emergency personnel and the security situation remains a problem.

The New Orleans mayor has issued a desperate SOS (plea for help).

Some information for this report provided by AP.