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Jordan's King Postpones Visit as Gaza Tensions Rise

Jordan's King Abdullah has postponed a peace mission to Israel and the Palestinian territories because of a flare-up in factional fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Speaking Monday in Amman, a spokesman for the king said the current security situation in Gaza is not conducive to the visit.

Hours earlier, Palestinian lawmakers voted to urge Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to fire his cabinet for failing to stop fighting between Hamas militants and police. The bill also demands that Mr. Abbas form a new government within two weeks or face a no-confidence vote.

The vote came a short while after several dozen Palestinian police stormed the Palestinian parliament building in Gaza City to press demands for a security crackdown on Hamas.

Sunday, three Palestinians were killed and at least 50 others wounded in gunbattles between Hamas militants and police.

Some information for this report provided by Reuters and AP.