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Bush Arrives in South Korea


President Bush has arrived in South Korea, on the second stop of an eight-day trip to Asia. Mr. Bush will meet with other leaders at a regional economic summit.

President Bush meets with South Korean President Roh Moo-Hyun, in the town, Gyeongju. After taking questions from reporters, they will have a social lunch with their wives before touring wooden shrines and stone pagodas at the Bulguksa Temple.

The leaders then return to the southern city, Busan, which is the site of this year's meeting of the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, APEC.

This summit is expected to focus on improving trade by breaking down agricultural subsidies and protecting intellectual property rights. Leaders will also discuss efforts to confront a potentially calamitous outbreak of Avian Flu.

That disease has already killed more than 60 people in Asia and it is feared the virus could mutate into a form capable of spreading between humans.

Before the formal start of the APEC Summit, President Bush meets with Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.