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US, Britain Dismiss Tehran's Call to Resume Talks


The United States and Britain have dismissed Iran's offer to resume nuclear talks with Europe, as diplomatic efforts to refer Tehran to the U.N. Security Council intensify.

A top Iranian official, Javed Vaeedi - the deputy head of Iran's Supreme National Council Tuesday offered to resume talks in a letter addressed to the foreign ministers of Britain, France and Germany. But he gave no indication that Tehran would freeze its nuclear activities as required under an agreement with the European Union.

Iran broke the seals on its uranium enrichment facilities earlier this month, effectively ending a two-year moratorium on its research. Tehran insists its nuclear program is peaceful.

Meanwhile, Greg Schulte, the U.S. envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency says he is "fairly confident" the IAEA board will report Iran to the Security Council next month.

But Iran's foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki says the chances of such a referral are slim.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.