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Bush Arrives at G8 Summit

President Bush has called leaders in the Middle East to try to stop the latest round of violence there. President Bush is in Russia for the Summit of the Group of Eight meeting of industrialized nations.

President Bush telephoned Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora, Jordanian King Abdullah and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarek from Air Force One en route to St. Petersburg.

He's trying to find a way to end to the latest round of violence, sparked by missile attacks on Israel, and the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers.

Israel reponded with air strikes on Beirut's airport and the road to Syria.

While backing Israel's right to defend itself, President Bush has expressed concern about how those air strikes will affect Prime Minister Siniora's government.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has called on Israel to exercise restraint. President Bush will discuss the issue during a social dinner with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

President Putin said no hostage-takings are acceptable, but neither is the use of full-scale force in reponse to these, even if unlawful, actions. He says all sides should stop the bloodshed.