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Tour de France Champion Landis Tests Positive for Steroids

Newly-crowned Tour de France champion Floyd Landis of the United States has reportedly tested positive for a high level of testosterone in an official anti-doping test.

The Phonak cycling team made the announcement Thursday, one day after the International Cycling Union said an unidentified rider had failed a drug test during the tour.

The UCI said Wednesday that it had received the adverse finding in the first analytical test. The result has to be confirmed by a second test before Landis would be considered guilty of doping.

Landis has been suspended pending the results. He denies using banned drugs and says he feels there is a good possibility he will be able to clear his name. If the second sample confirms the initial finding, Phonak says Landis will be fired from the team.

Landis suffers from a painful hip condition and is consulting with doctors about hip replacement surgery.

This year's Tour was rocked by a drugs scandal on the eve of the race when riders, including pre-race favorites Jan Ullrich of Germany and Ivan Basso of Italy - were barred after they were implicated in a Spanish blood-doping ring.

Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.