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UN Prosecutor Urges Arrest of Top Serbian War Crimes Fugitives


The top United Nations war crimes prosecutor is meeting with Serbian authorities in Belgrade to review the government's plan to arrest key war crimes fugitives from the Balkan conflict of the 1990s.

Carla Del Ponte and international investigators believe that fugitive Serb wartime commander Ratko Mladic and political leader Radovan Karadzic are hiding in Serbia under the protection of hardliners.

Del Ponte met Monday with the Serbian war crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic and was expected to meet President Boris Tadic later in the day. She is to meet Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica on Tuesday.

Del Ponte's visit follows her accusation last week that Serbian leaders "lack political will" to arrest Mladic. In Finland, she urged European Union members to refrain from further talks with Belgrade until it captures the fugitive.

The EU suspended accession talks with Belgrade in May, claiming that Belgrade had not done enough to capture Mladic and Karadzic.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.