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Spalding University has the Right Major for Turkish Graduate Student


Ferhat Goktepe tells us best why he is studying in the United States. “I am from Ankara, the capital of Turkey and our police department, Turkish National Police Department, has realized it needs to strengthen its police force, the police organization with scientific research and exchange of experiences with other countries police departments and law enforcement departments and also academic world,” he says. “In 1999, the Turkish National Police Department started an international graduate level program and started to send its officials and officers to other countries and I am one of the over one hundred and fifty senior Turkish police officers who are pursuing their masters and doctorate education in the United States,” he says.

“I was sent to the United States by my department to get a graduate degree in Criminal Justice and Management field and also to observe the law enforcement agencies in the United States. To examine the theoretical and practical differences and the goal here is to benefit from experiences and the wisdom of each other. That is why I am here to pursue my graduate degree and also to benefit from my observation”

The university Ferhat is attending is Spalding University located in Louisville Kentucky. One of the main things Ferhat likes about the university is getting an opportunity to improve his leadership skills. “I intentionally choose Spalding University. We are the first TNP members, Turkish National Police members at Spalding University. Spalding University has a different program from other universities education department,” he says.

“Most of the universities have educational leadership, but Spalding University has leadership education and the program, the content are different from other programs and I am really enjoying the program it is great and since my program is not directly education, I am in the policing field and also as a police captain I need to improve my leadership skills and Spalding University program is mainly about leadership and we are sharing our knowledge and experiences with each other in the class,” he says.

“There are thirteen classmates from different fields and it gives extra experience to us we are learning improved leadership skills here and relations are very warm, the instructors, the administration are always helpful so I think I will enjoy my time at Spalding University I believe.”

Ferhat is 32 years old. He says with the skills and knowledge he receives from his coursework, it will give him the opportunity to contribute more to his career. “My classes are two years. I just started and in April 2008 I am expecting to finish my classes and after my classes I will start my dissertation and probably it will take at least one year and hopefully at the end of 2009, I will be finished with my doctorate program,” he says.

“So when I go back to my country I will be chief superintendent and my job will come from the field to leading position. I will deal with the leadership issues in the future more than field issues. So leadership issues are becoming more and more important,” he says. “So the main point for my job, the policing job is leadership and Spalding University they are very good at leadership education.”

When Ferhat returns home he says he will share what he has learned with his colleagues as well as encourage other officers to consider going to Spaulding University. “I really would recommend Spalding University because only learning the method or technology as a leader is not enough itself. As a leader you should learn how to lead people, how to motivate people, so it is the basis of the policing according to me and I strongly recommend new coming Turkish police members to attend Spalding University program.”
