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Afghan Officials say Suicide Bomber Attacks Convoy of Foreigners

Officials in Afghanistan say a suicide bomber has attacked a convoy of foreigners south of the capital, Kabul.

Police said the attacker rammed a vehicle full of explosives into the convoy, wounding at least one person.

Meanwhile, authorities in southern Afghanistan say a NATO airstrike on a Taleban base has killed nearly 30 people, including many civilians.

NATO military officials in the region confirmed carrying out the airstrike Thursday in the Garmser district of Helmand province. But they said there was no evidence of civilian casualties.

NATO officials have also said up to 150 Taleban militants were killed Thursday in a fierce battle with NATO and Afghan forces in eastern Paktika province, near the Pakistani border. Afghanistan's Defense Ministry put the death toll at around 60.

Afghan and Western countries say Taleban insurgents are operating from bases inside Pakistan. Islamabad says it is doing all it can to stop them.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.