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Iran Denies Asking Saudi Arabia to Mediate with US

Iran has denied reports that it asked Saudi Arabia to mediate with the United States.

Iranian media are reporting that the country's foreign ministry spokesman said the information is wrong.

On Monday, news reports said Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Mohammad Ali Hosseini, on a visit to Riyadh, asked Saudi officials to intervene with the United States to bridge issues dividing the two countries.

Saudi Arabia and the United States have also denied the reports.

At a news conference in Riyadh Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said there is no need for mediation. She said Iran's problems are with the United Nations not Washington. She was referring to Iran's controversial uranium enrichment activities.

Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal also denied the reports.

He added Saudi Arabia, a Sunni Muslim country, wants to avoid conflict with Iran, which is predominantly Shi'ite.

The United Nations Security Council approved sanctions against Iran in December because of its controversial nuclear enrichment program.

Major powers say Iran is developing a nuclear weapon, a charge Tehran denies.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.