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European Leaders Try to Ease Tensions With Iran


German Chancellor Angela Merkel, on a Middle East tour, has urged Iranian leaders to return to negotiations on the country's nuclear program.

Ms. Merkel was speaking to reporters after meeting in Kuwait City with the emirate's prime minister Nasser al-Sabah.

In London, British Prime Minister Tony Blair told lawmakers that, although all options are on the table, no one is planning military action against Tehran.

In December, the United Nations Security Council approved economic sanctions against Iran because of its nuclear enrichment program.

Iran has refused to suspend the program. Iranian officials say they are working to install three thousand centrifuges at a plant in Natanz to produce nuclear fuel on an industrial scale.

Major powers accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons, a charge Iran denies.

The U.S. also accuses Iran of fomenting sectarian violence in Iraq, which Iran denies.

The U.S. has said all options against Iran are on the table. Washington has also threatened to arrest Iranians in Iraq if they threaten Iraqi civilians or American soldiers there.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.