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Bombings, Attacks Across Iraq Kill More Than 20 people

A series of bombings and other attacks across Iraq have killed more than 20 people.

In addition to those attacks, Iraqi officials said a bombing killed 18 children at a soccer field in the western city of Ramadi. However, the U.S. military said it had no information on such a blast, and said instead that a controlled explosion wounded 30 civilians in Ramadi.

In and around Mosul, north of the capital, suicide bomb blasts killed 10 people, including six policemen.

In Baghdad, officials say a suicide bomber struck a market, while an explosives-filled car went off near a restaurant, and a bomb left in a plastic bag exploded elsewhere in the city. At least nine people were killed.

The U.S. military said roadside bomb blasts have killed four American soldiers.

The military also said Iraqi troops, backed by U.S. forces, staged raids in the Shi'ite stronghold of Sadr City, detaining 16 people. The military says the raids targeted rogue elements of the Mahdi Army militia who were directing Shi'ite death squads. The Mahdi Army is loyal to the radical Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

The U.S. military also says a car bomb blast in Ramadi on Monday was the work of al-Qaida in Iraq. The military says 15 people were killed.

Also Monday, Iraq's cabinet endorsed a draft law to manage the oil industry and distribute its wealth throughout the country.

The draft now goes to parliament, and if it passes, it would be a major step in efforts to settle an explosive dispute among Iraq's different communities.

Iraq relies on oil exports for nearly all of its revenue, and most of the oil wealth is in the mainly Shi'ite south and the predominantly Kurdish north. Sunni Arabs, whose areas of central and western Iraq have few proven oil reserves, have been demanding an equitable share of the country's oil wealth.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.