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Nine Afghan Policemen Killed in Attacks

Afghan officials say Taleban militants have ambushed a police patrol in southern Afghanistan, killing eight officers and wounding two.

An Afghan border security chief, General Mohammad Raziq Khan, says insurgents fired on the police patrol late Saturday in the Arghasan district of Kandahar province, near the Pakistan border, sparking a brief gun battle.

The official says the attackers later fled the area, and appeared not to have suffered any casualties.

Meanwhile, Afghan police say a suicide bomber has struck a security convoy in western province of Farah, killing one policeman and wounding three others.

In another development, an Internet statement by an Islamic militant group threatens attacks on Germany and Austria if they do not withdraw their troops from Afghanistan, where they serve as part of a NATO force.

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The group issued the threat in a video statement posted Saturday on the "Voice of the Caliphate," a Web site used by militants linked to al-Qaida.

Germany has about 2,700 troops in Afghanistan, while Austria has only five.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.