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Suicide Bombers in Iraq Target Shi'ites

U.S. and Iraqi forces say they have detained a suspect linked to a network that smuggles sophisticated roadside bombs into Iraq.

The U.S. military said the suspect was captured during a raid in Baghdad. He is believed to be tied to groups that bring in armor piercing roadside bombs (explosively formed penetrators, or EFP's).

Also Friday, the U.S. military said a roadside bomb killed one soldier and wounded another during a patrol in southern Baghdad.

Elsewhere in the Iraqi capital, residents in a Shi'ite neighborhood continued to clean up from Thursday's two suicide bomb attacks that killed at least 82 people and wounded more than 100. Bombers also struck the Shi'ite town of Khalis north of Baghdad Thursday, killing at least 43 people.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.