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IRNA: Envoy to See Iranians Detained by US in Iraq

Iran's official news agency says an Iranian envoy will meet with five Iranians detained by U.S. forces in the northern Iraqi town of Irbil in January.

The report said a representative from the Iranian embassy in Baghdad will meet the detainees, but did not specify a time or place.

The United States says the detainees are linked to Iran's hardline Revolutionary Guards and were involved in providing support to militants in Iraq. Iran says the men are diplomats.

Meanwhile, U.S. State Department spokesman Tom Casey told reporters in Washington Wednesday that Iran still must suspend its uranium enrichment activities if it wants to change its relationship with the United States. He said Iran can have a full set of discussions with the Untied States on any subject after complying with the basic requirements of U.N. Security Council resolutions.

On Tuesday, IRNA reported the release of an Iranian diplomat, who was seized in Baghdad by unidentified gunmen in February. The report said the diplomat has returned home, but did not provide any details.

Some information for this report was provided by Reuters.