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Britain Arrests 6 Terrorism Suspects in London Raids


British anti-terror police have arrested six Muslim men in a series of London raids, on suspicion of raising funds for terrorists and inciting others to commit acts of terrorism.

One of the suspects, identified as radical Muslim Abu Izzadeen, was widely known in Britain for heckling Home Secretary John Reid last year in a televised public meeting.

A spokesman, Anjem Choudary, for the banned Islamic militant group al-Ghurabaa confirmed Izzadeen's arrest Tuesday.

Izzadeen, a Muslim convert and former electrician, was arrested and released on bail earlier this year in a separate case alleging that he encouraged terrorism.

Police say the suspects, aged between 21 and 35, are in custody at a London police precinct. Authorities also say other searches in connection with the probe are ongoing.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.