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Taleban Captures Afghan District


A senior Afghan official says Taleban insurgents have captured a district in the southern Ghazni province, killing the region's top administrator, local police chief and several policemen.

The deputy governor of Ghazni, Mohammad Kazim Allahyer, said Taleban fighters attacked the government headquarters in Giru district, triggering a fierce battled that continued for hours late Thursday.

The official said as of Friday morning Taleban rebels were still in control of the region.

He said authorities have called for reinforcements as they prepare to launch a counter attack to retake the district, located about 170-kilometers southwest of Kabul.

Over the past year, Taleban insurgents have dramatically increased their attacks against Afghan officials, and NATO and U.S.-led coalition troops.

In 2006, a resurgent Taleban movement carried out the highest number of suicide bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan since U.S.-led forces ousted the Taleban government in November 2001.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.