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US Auditors Find Seven Iraqi Reconstruction Projects Crumbling

Two leading U.S. newspapers report American auditors have found that seven Iraq reconstruction projects declared successes by the U.S. government are no longer operating as designed.

The New York Times and The Washington Post report Sunday that out of eight projects inspected, seven were suffering from things such as lack of proper maintenance, electrical and plumbing problems, or expensive equipment going unused.

Washington has previously acknowledged that some of its reconstruction projects in Iraq have been abandoned, but the newpapers say this is the first time inspectors found that projects declared a success were no longer working properly.

A summary of the conclusions will be released Monday in a report by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction.

The newspapers say the eight projects cost a total of about $150 million.

The reports say the sites included a maternity hospital, barracks for an Iraqi special forces unit, and a power station for Baghdad International Airport.

The Washington Post quotes the special inspector general Stuart Bowen as saying reviews of 20 more reconstruction sites are expected.