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Nuclear Conference Ends After Last-Minute Snag on Iran


A meeting of 130 nations on the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty has ended in Vienna after a last-minute dispute over Iran's nuclear program.

Iran, with the support of many developing nations, objected to a summary of the proceedings that expressed "serious concern" about Iran's nuclear program.

The Japanese chair of the conference drafted the summary, and it urged Iran to comply with United Nations demands to suspend uranium enrichment, which can be used to build nuclear weapons.

Because of the objections, the draft summary was not attached to the official report on the conference but was instead demoted to the status of a "working paper." The conference then adjourned Friday.

Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes and not for developing weapons.

Meanwhile, U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney says the United States and other nations will stand together to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons and dominating the Middle East.

Cheney issued the warning Friday in an address to sailors aboard the USS John Stennis aircraft carrier cruising in the Persian Gulf near the United Arab Emirates.

Regarding Iraq, Cheney said the U.S. wants to complete the mission there, and "get it done right" and have the troops return home with honor.

Cheney is visiting the United Arab Emirates after a two-day stay in Iraq. On Saturday, he will visit Saudi Arabia as part of his tour of several Arab states to seek help in stabilizing Iraq and countering Iran influence in the region.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.