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New Violence Reported in Germany Ahead of G8 Summit


New clashes were reported between protesters and police in the Rostock, Germany, ahead of this week's Group of Eight summit in a nearby resort.

Authorities say some 400 extremists pelted police with bottles as they protested restrictions on refugees and asylum seekers in G8 countries.

The clashes were the second outbreak of violence ahead of Heiligendamm summit. With public access to the resort closed, demonstrators have been meeting in Rostok. A riot Saturday left about 1,000 people injured.

Those protesters were demanding that the G8 leading industrialized countries take more action to reduce poverty, inequality, environmental destruction and restrictions on immigration.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in a television broadcast Sunday, condemned the violence and warned that authorities will not tolerate such activities.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP .