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Afghanistan's Attorney General Attacked in Kabul


Afghanistan's attorney general says he was beaten up Friday by men loyal to a former interior ministry official, describing the attack as revenge for his anti-corruption campaign.

Attorney General Abdul Jabar Sabet told reporters he was driving north of the capital when he was confronted by General Din Mohammad Jurat, former head of security in the interior ministry, and a group of armed men.

Sabet said he was beaten by rifle butts and that the attackers fired their weapons. He accused Jurat of orchestrating the attack, which he said was a kidnap attempt.

Sebet pointed out that Jurat has in the past asked him to release from custody several people suspected of corruption.

The attorney general did not appear to be seriously injured.

His tough stand against corrupt officials and former warlords serving in President Hamid Karzai's government has earned him numerous enemies.

Also Friday, Afghan authorities said at least four policemen and at least 12 Taleban fighters have been killed in separate incidents across southern Afghanistan.

Violence has risen in recent weeks in southern and eastern Afghanistan, where Taleban insurgents are particularly active.