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Bombings, Other Attacks Kill About 50 in Iraq


Iraqi officials say a car bomb has exploded in northern Baghdad, killing at least seven people.

Authorities say the blast in the Kadhimiya district on Wednesday evening injured at least 14 others.

Bomb attacks and other violence Wednesday in Iraq killed about 50 people overall, many in the Baghdad area.

The attacks included a roadside bomb blast that killed five police officers in Samarra, north of the capital, while gunmen killed four policemen in an ambush near Kirkuk.

In other news, the U.S. military says a high-level al-Qaida leader, Mehmet Yilmaz, and his associate Mehmet Resit Isik were killed in a coalition raid Saturday south of Hawija. A military spokesman described the men as dangerous and significant international terrorists.

The military also announced the combat-related deaths of two U.S. troops, one in eastern Baghdad Wednesday and the other in al-Anbar province on Tuesday.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.