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At Least 45 Civilians,  62 Taleban Killed by NATO, US-led Air Strikes in Afghanistan

Afghan officials say an investigation into NATO and U.S.-led air strikes in southern Afghanistan shows that 62 Taleban and 45 civilians have been killed.

The toll was the latest in a series of conflicting reports about how many people died when fighter jets pounded militants in a village in southern Helmand province late Friday.

A NATO spokesman has acknowledged that some civilians were killed in Helmand province, but has said the death toll is nowhere near as high as Afghan officials have claimed.

The figures were provided to an investigation team by local officials. They were impossible to independently verify because the area is remote and difficult to reach.

The militants had sought cover in the village after intense fighting with foreign troops.

The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, William Wood, has said Taleban militants are to blame for many civilian casualties because they involve civilians in attacks.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has accused NATO and U.S.-led forces of carelessly killing 90 civilians in recent operations against the Taleban.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.