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At Least 10 Dead in Iraqi Bombing


Iraqi police say a car bomb that exploded at a busy market in the holy Shi'ite town of Kufa Saturday has killed at least 10 people and wounded at least seven.

Authorities say two of the dead are children.

Elsewhere in Iraq, the U.S. military says coalition and Iraqi security forces conducted an air and ground assault to flush out Sunni insurgents in the northern city of Kirkuk. They say that in at least three separate raids, coalition forces detained a total of 13 people for alleged terrorist activity.

In simultaneous operations, at least 12 other suspects were detained in Kirkuk's Rashad valley region and in Mosul.

Elsewhere in northern Iraq, the U.S. military said a drone aircraft dropped a bomb that killed two suspected roadside bombers in the Qayyrah area of Nineveh province. Officials said it was the first operation of its kind.

The U.S. military said Friday that U.S. and Iraqi forces detained a suspected Shi'ite militant leader who led a group of around 750 fighters in southwestern Baghdad.

The military said the alleged insurgent brigade commander and another suspect were detained Thursday. The two allegedly cooperated with foreign fighters and assisted other militants in acquiring sniper training in Iran.

Tehran has denied U.S. charges that it is supporting Shi'ite militants in Iraq.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.