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Purported Bin Laden Tape Calls on Insurgents in Iraq to Unite

An audio recording purportedly from al-Qaida terrorist network leader Osama bin Laden calls on insurgents in Iraq to unite.

The Arabic television channel Al-Jazeera broadcast what it said was a new recording from the fugitive terrorist on Monday.

On the audiotape, bin Laden says militants must overcome rivalries and beware of sectarian divisions.

The terrorist leader says insurgents belong to one faith, not to a tribe or to a country. He says Muslims are relying on them to, in his words, "gather under one banner."

Bin Laden also refers to mistakes committed during so-called holy wars, but he does not elaborate.

The authenticity of the recording could not be immediately confirmed.

Last month, bin Laden appeared in his first video in nearly three years.

He and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, are believed to be hiding in the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The United States has offered a $25-million reward for the capture of each man.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.