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Guyana Seizes 4,000 Carats of Suspected Smuggled Diamonds

Authorities in Guyana have seized a cache of diamonds weighing about 4,000 carats from a company suspected of trafficking in smuggled gems.

Guyanese officials say the company, Explorers Trade and Commerce Limited, may be charged with violating international regulations governing the sale of diamonds.

Guyana's mining commissioner, Bill Woolford, says the company failed to convince inspectors that a shipment of diamonds bound for Dubai originated in Guyana.

The inspectors went to the area in the South American country where the company says it mined the diamonds but found no evidence to support the claim.

Guyana is a signatory to the Kimberley Certification Process, a global scheme that requires countries to ensure diamond exports do not finance rebel groups in Africa and elsewhere.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.